Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dinner with Grandma and Grandpa

Last night I went to Grandma and Grandpa Henderson's house for dinner.  It was so much fun! Grandpa played catch with me, and I got to chase the dog around. Maverick actually plays with me, which I think is fun. And check out the last picture, you can see one of my teeth! I have two poking out, but they aren't all the way in yet. Mom keeps trying to look at them, but I don't like people messing with my face....

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fun at the Fair!

Mom, Dad, and I went to the State Fair on Friday. It was a lot of fun.  I competed in the diaper derby (I decided to wait until the race was over to start crawling... watching the other babies was far more interesting), got to look at farm animals, and eat some fun food! I can't wait to go back next year.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I love to read!

Lately, I have been very into reading. I will actually sit still while Mom or Dad reads me a story.  Here I am reading my favorite book, Bright Baby Animals. I will sometimes have Mom read it to me ten times in a row.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby in a box

Dad and I opened some packages together... I love boxes and paper. He put me in the box and asked if I wanted to be mailed away.... I decided to crawl out and stay with my mom and dad.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rubber Ducky You're the One!

You make bath time lots of fun! I am almost too big for the sink... I might be moving to the bathtub soon! I do love bath time though... the duck and I are great friends. The tugboat isn't too bad either.

Friday, August 19, 2011


These pictures were actually taken a bit ago (I don't have the jumper toy anymore... I am too big for it and love to move around too much to want to be contained), but Mom wanted everyone to know that I do throw fits. And she thought that would be a good time to snap pictures, instead of picking me up. Thankfully, she picked me up right after these were taken....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Monster boots

It is getting cooler here in Alaska, and every now and then Mom has me wear shoes. She dug out these awesome monster boots that she received as a gift from friends before I was even born. I was a little skeptical, as I don't wear shoes very often. I was a little nervous when I first got them on (and Mom said I acted like a dog wearing a sock) but I soon got the hang of them and forgot they were there. Dad likes the boots so much he said we will be getting them in bigger sizes.....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm getting taller!

Mom keeps the dog food and water on the table when I am up and about.... I try to eat the dog food, and I love to splash in the water. Apparently, Mom doesn't want to clean all of that up, so she tries to keep it from me. She learned today that I am getting taller when I reached up and pulled it down on top of me. I was very proud of myself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Camera

Dad bought Mom a new camera and she has been snapping pictures like a crazy person! And she is so mean and doesn't let me play with her new toy....

Here are some good pictures she took of me on Friday when we were playing in the yard. I was crawling everywhere and having such a good time. I love to be outside. Last weekend, Mom bought me a snowsuit so that I can continue to play outside all winter long! She claims I also have to wear a hat, but we will see about that....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gardening with Mom

I love to help mom garden. I saw that she has to pull off the dead flowers, so I decided to help.... I can't really tell the difference between the live flowers and dead flowers, so to be safe, I just pulled off anything I could get my hands on!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My Aunt Allie gave me this shirt that looks like one my Dad would wear.... we look like quite the pair!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy August!

Can you believe it is August already??? Mom keeps saying that means my birthday is right around the corner (I'm already NINE months old!).... I don't know what that means, but she is excited, so I am too! Sorry I haven't been posting, I have been very busy.... hanging out with dad, and helping mom in her garden! It has been beautiful here, so we have been outside a LOT.